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The unofficial FAQ. Read this before you start sending me the hate mail.

This document is meant for people that have some experience using Orville Write.

1)Flooder - The term flooder in this case refers to a message flooder (as opposed to say a ping flooder).
2)Orville Write - This refers to the telegram and mesg program.

What is it?
This is a program that message floods people using Orville Write. This program works because Orville Write doesn't make a clear distinction between the ASCII return character and the return(ie enter key) on the keyboard. Is this fuzzy?

What Operating Systems does this run under?
Fedora Core 6, Suse Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD.

How does this differ from other message flooders?
First, most of the other message flooders that flood a person over Orville Write falls into two categories.

1)The flooder actually floods the person over write and not Orville Write itself. Orville Write is built on top of the Unix write. If you turn off write, you can usually block the flood and hence still talk to others via Orville Write.

I say usually, because there are two exceptions. The first is if the person has the flooder running in the background looking for a specific person. Once the person logs on, the program will start flooding. Turning off write in this case won't work because of another bug in Orville Write. The second exception is if a person is flooding you and they just suspend the program while they are flooding you. If you turn off write in this case, write won't be turned off because the other person never closed their end of the communication. Again, is this fuzzy?

2)The flooder works over Orville Write, but doesn't abuse the return character. This is pretty easy to spot because the flood will look something like the following:

Telegram to pts/2...Telegram from cdalten on pts/2 at 19:18 PDT ...
fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag
EOF (cdalten)

Telegram to pts/2...Telegram from cdalten on pts/2 at 19:18 PDT ...
fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag faf fag fag fag fag fag fag
EOF (cdalten)

So now, how this is different. This program program scrolls like a write nuker, but works over Orville Write. Here is what some of it looks like when you run it on a person.

[cdalten@localhost ~]$ ./flood cdalten
cdalten logged on more than once
Telegram to pts/2...Telegram from cdalten on pts/2 at 19:24 PDT ...
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you

EOF (cdalten)

Who is the this program meant for?
People that have some experience doing basic shell scripting under the *nix Environment.

Download and installation
This program requires the GNU C compiler and Orville Write or a system that supports Orville Write. Click on the following link to download the flooder: Telegram Flooder
To install
1)At the *nix shell prompt, gunzip floodv0_61.tar.gz, tar -xvf floodv0_61.tar
2)touch (name of the data file)
3)At the bash prompt, go FLOOD="input file name";export FLOOD.
4)To make this permanent, just add the commands (in #3) to .bashrc or whatever
5)Enter the string in the data file you wish to flood the person with. In the above example, I had 'fuck you'.
6)gcc flood.c -o flood. Note that you don't need super user privs to install the flooder
7)./flood (username)

A few side notes

Once you compile the program, you don't have to recompile it when you change
the data in the input file.

If you don't want the name FLOOD as an environment variable, find the following 
lines in main()

 if((input=getenv("FLOOD")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"FLOOD variable in bash is not set\n");

and change FLOOD to whatever variable you want and then recompile the program.